A Hollywood state-of-mind

Writers are exactly like actors.

They are given a role to play. The director (client) briefs them of a scene but the actor is allowed free reign to interpret how the character delivers a line, expresses an emotion or maybe a nuance that becomes relevant to that realistic portrayal.

I am a writer. I immerse. I research. I internalize the character and create a persona that fits the director's (client) profile of the part. To the point that it is everything you are for days, depends how long the writing project is. Heck, I can be a luxury car-obsessed big spender for a whole week if need be.

As a writer, I always tell new clients of mine (bragging aside) "I can write anything." Whether an overnighter kind or for one big tvc campaign, just give me a few moments to "immerse" or "evolve" for that brand or product - and voila, a character is borne out of my writing.

The writer flips the target market psyche around. Inward, outward, in relation to others, himself with others, to things around them, to different stimuli relevant to the story. He/she allows the character to form freely within him/her.

The goal: finding the best characterization that will help express the overall message of the movie. In this case, the "overall brand message" of a product or service.

As a freelance creative writer, I am often forced into a predicament that takes my role immersion work from being a gadget-wielding teeny bopper, to tired and weary seaman then a happy chirpy mother of three all in a day. Now how's that for writing (acting) versatility? For a Meryl Streep-inspired fan like me, I'd wing any role thrown at me (for the right price). Haha.

So the question i ask you now, what amount of roles are you willing to play as a writer?

Answer it proudly, "Limitless."


Miss Tolentino said…
A writer is blessed to wear a multitude of hats or in this case 'roles'...

Awesome!! Definitely limitless ♥
downstairscafe said…
The day we encounter monotony is the day we die. Lol

Thanks for liking. Continue to be limitless!!

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