Imagine your pizza

And yes now you can, effortlessly. 

While most of my friends have been visiting Project Pie along Shaw Boulevard earlier than I did, I've held off the visit for quite some time because of the "anjan lang naman iyan" mentality. (It's just nearby) 

Just a hop and a skip away from my condo, it's a terribly convenient dinner or lunch option. The interiors mimick a "mess hall" feel with bright lights & quotable graffiti wall while you wait in line for your order to be served. ( I hate lining up like that btw, lol)

The artisan 9 inch pizza comes in ready-made variants or as the name suggests create your own. The cheese, vegetable and meat toppings are endless. Same price of around P280 regardless of how much you "hoard" - if that's what your taste buds clamour for. Lol. 

My concoction of Gruyere and feta cheese, prosciutto, olives, garlic, green bell peppers, onion and half of it sprinkled with jalapeƱo strips. 

Nina's Ready-made Pepperoni & beef pizza

Although the standard pie looks particularly smaller compared to the "Shakeys-family-size-of-our-comfort-zones", it is very filling. The pie crust's thickness is like of the brick-oven ones. We loved their dough btw which they made from scratch. 

Overall, I am not as impressed by the taste as I am by the ambience. But Nina loved it, so I guess it was a win-win in that aspect. Must-try for families with kids.


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