Giving Grub a Chance

Just like with friendships, I think restaurants also deserve second chances.
 My ELJ ladies and I decided on an "over-lunch-chit-chat" at GRUB, located at the Ground floor of ELJ Building. I was so unimpressed by my first visit I remembered trying one of their rice meals whose taste was so forgettable 
I can barely recall what it was. 

Today I chose a very simplistic meal:  1/2 sandwich and 1/2 pasta lunch, 
where I had the free will to pair up my choice of sandwich & pasta. . 
Surprisingly, I was very happy everything! 
Plus their refreshing tea in a jar  FTW!
1/2 Bacon-Melt Sandwich and 1/2 Shrimp & Oil Pasta
I loved the presentation. The flavors were spot on.

This was my kind of lunch and my kind of company. Happiness squeezed in my 2-hour lunch. 
Can't wait to try out some more at Grub.
Such a satisfying lunch and an insightful session with my girls, as always.


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