30 Signs that You are a Certified Single Mom

  1. ...you've bought infant formula or disposable diapers at midnight after doing overtime work, because nobody will.
  2. ...you've had to lug around a big gallon of water by yourself, grocery bags and dirty laundry without 'masculine' help.
  3. ...you wished somebody could drive you home, for a change.
  4. ...you admire your Dad more for sticking it out with your Mom
  5. ....your idea of me time is "kids and me" time
  6. ....you're constantly juggling work, chores and finances like a circus act on LSD
  7. ....you've been told that being a single mom is way "easier" (huh, since when??!!?)
  8. ....you feel extra guilty leaving for a 'trip with friends'
  9. ....you've used or is using Facebook as your venue for venting
  10. ....you've mastered the art of shopping for bargains
  11. ....you're thinking "what dating life?"
  12. ....you've had your maid attend the family day with you, or okay, your mom again.
  13. ....you've brought along your 'little one' to a cafe meeting or job interview a few times.
  14. ....you've had to complain about your child's textbook that explains that a family has a mom AND a dad.
  15. ...you've had to feel really guilty being at the hospital while your Team does the work without you.
  16. ....you've had to kill the cockroach in the kitchen all by your fre***king self!
  17. ....you'd like to stop answering your child's WHYs and HOWs even for a day
  18. ....your "in case of emergency" contact is still your mother.
  19. ....your adult beneficiary of your pension plan is your eldest sibling
  20. ....you're the plumber, the electrician, the bills payor, the cook, the working one and such and such.
  21. ....you've been told na "mapili ka"...("you're choosy") when really there's nothing to choose from
  22. ....you're an enigma to many but an odd one to lurkers
  23. ....you've teared up over a few harmless "family" drawings that your child brought home from school
  24. ....you dread Father's day and try to blot it out off your child's system
  25. ....you've made up stories as to "where Dad is"
  26. ....you've had crying bouts inside the restroom, while driving, while doing dishes - because of exhaustion or of nothing at all.
  27. ...you've been the object of judgmental looks and statements 
  28. ...you're more likely thinking of a "Mr. Right" to sweep us off our feet, but open to tweaks here and there LOL
  29. ...your all-time favorite movie is "Jerry Maguire" and whisper "Go girl" to Charlize Therone
  30. ...you're forced to know what your "boys" are up to and have awkward conversations with them

No one really knows how we all do it, but we just do. In all of our 'seemingly' aloneness, we are really never alone though. Our children is enough company, for the meantime that is.

Here's to all of us #singlemommas, who give it their all every waking hour.
I admire you all.


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